Vote URP
A guyana that has in place the socio,economic and political pillars that will allow every citizen to maximize his or her true potential.A Modern Guyana that will ensure poverty is eradicated and every man,woman,and child can enjoy “A Safe Guyana”.
To reinforce our nationalism and to be in unison with what we should be striving for as a nation and as a country.This manifesto has drawn upon the principles enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution which pilots our destiny.
“We the Guyaneese People,Proud heirs of the indomitable will of our forebears,in a spirit of reconciliation and cooperation,proclaim this Constitution in order to:Safeguard and build on the rich heritage,won through tireless struggle,bequeathed us by our forbears.Affirm our sovereignty, our independence and our indissolubility. Forge a system of governance the promotes concerted effort and broad based participation in national decision making in order to develop a viable economy and a harmonious community based on democratic values, social justice, fundamental human rights and the rule of laws.”
By any measure, democracy can be described as governing system in which the central power is vested with the voting population. In such a system government and the officials that make such a government are legally and morally obligated to attend to the needs of its citizens.By extension, in a democratic system, supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by the people or by their elected representatives under a free and fair electoral system. The United Republican Party (URP) will work with any political party in Guyana after the general election to support, build and establish democratic institutions that will serve the interests of all of Guyana’s citizens.
The URP will work with other local and regional organizations, International organizations and support groups, and sympathetic governments to help put Guyana on a democratic path, a path where a working democracy will create conditions in our society that will enable all Guyanese to help transform our society onto one that recognizes that great potential of its citizens. More importantly, the URP will continue to work with its grass roots support to build such a system from the bottom.
The United Republican Party (URP) would be dedicated and committed once elected as the new government of the May 11, 2015 General Elections. As the government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana the URP will institute policies designed to bring relief to the economy and to assist in eradicating poverty.
The main purpose of the proposed economic stimulus package will be to encourage consumer spending and gradually increasing the standard of living of all Guyanese
The main purpose is to put Guyanese back to work to stem the destruction of the fabric of Guyana social infrastructure, and to instill the confidence needed by local and foreign investors and the Guyanese public to restore and catalyze economic growth and recovery in Guyana.
The URP’s biggest challenge will be to ensure systems are in place to safeguard the working of the program. As such a Poverty Eradication Secretariat (PEPS) will be established.
Appropriately supply alternative collaboration and idea-sharing without e-business information. Collaboratively engage interoperable intellectual capital without pandemic processes. Distinctively foster best-of-breed markets before collaborative schemas. Authoritatively embrace tactical potentialities vis-a-vis low-risk high-yield architectures. Completely administrate robust testing procedures vis-a-vis dynamic testing procedures. Globally fabricate functional intellectual capital for B2B e-services.
Competently leverage existing revolutionary solutions before high-quality value. Monotonectally pontificate resource maximizing meta-services and e-business convergence. Energistically synthesize fully tested architectures and high-quality catalysts for change. Intrinsicly aggregate covalent ROI without open-source benefits. Synergistically syndicate client-centric partnerships after customer directed niches.
Every Guyanese dream is to own a home. Homeownership is sited as a major pillar in the drive by the URP to create a Modern and Safe Guyana. Where every family has access to facilities such as mortgage and loan advances to build their home. This is central to an expanding economy. The United Republican Party (URP) wants to make homeownership more accessible for everyone. This will start with access to capital for entrepreneurs and access to credit for consumers. To sustain economic growth, the URP Government will commit to assist thousands of low- income families move from renting to owning their homes via a Poverty Eradication Program (PEP) encapsulate in an Economic Stimulus Program.
Affordable housing is in the national interest. A balanced national housing policy must recognize that decent housing includes apartments, and addresses the needs of all citizens, including families paying rent.
In many areas, housing prices are higher than they need to be because of regulations that have not been revived for years, drive up property and building costs.Some regulation is of course necessary,and so is sensible zoning.The URP will empower The Municipals and local Government to work with local builders and lenders to eliminate unnecessary burdens that price many families out of the market.
We affirm that the small business is where prosperity starts. This is the stalls/store in the marketplace, the corner shops, and neighborhood centers. Small businesses are the underlying pillar of a vibrant economy. It is the place where the man on the street creates and sustains his wealth. If the small business is successful, the economy will follow. If it fails, the larger economy fails as well. Small businesses create most of the jobs and they are a measure of the opportunities within the community. They are the primary engines of economic advance by the Guyanese trader, man or woman. The more entrants to this sector, the more success in the nation’s economy.
The macro economy is not isolated from the micro economies. The summation of the micro economies equals the macro economy. It stands to reason that once the people’s businesses grow, so goes the country’s economy. Therefore, Government effort should be to develop and implement policies that support the growth of the trader in the marketplace. This is a key ingredient to unleash sustainable economic growth.
In recognition thereof, we will provide initiatives, such as lower tax rates, minimum red tape, limited legal and product liability, and the aggressive expansion of regional and overseas markets for their goods and services. We will end the constant harassment of small businesses by government agencies and set up a Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Board to liaise with trade unions and organizations in order to protect the small business from corrupt and overzealous government agencies, requiring the government and Local Governments to do the same.
Governments do not create wealth. The people do – through creativity and enterprise and risk-taking. With information technology, people in bondage can taste freedom, and people in freedom can bond more securely with each other. People who used to work for others can now be independent entrepreneurs. And citizens can drill through layers of entrenched bureaucracy to directly access information and transact business.
URP has embraced this mental Modernization concept, for it advances the central values of our party and our country: a reduced role for the central government, greater personal liberty, economic freedom, reliance on the market and decentralized decision making. This is the national revolution— rewarding creativity, hard work, tenacity, and a willingness to take (entrepreneur) risks.
The URP recognizes that the role of government in a Modern Economy is to foster an environment where innovation can flourish. The Information Revolution is the product of the creative efforts and hard work of men and women in the private sector, and not of government bureaucrats.At the same time, we recognize the magnitude and pace of change require vigilance to make the most of its opportunities and to mitigate its possible difficulties. For what we have experienced thus far is surely only the beginning of almost inconceivable growth, change, and more change. Let others be fearful in the face of it, but let our country grasp the opportunity and join the brave.
Under the United Republican Party (URP) leadership,a Modern and Safe Guyana will move away from irresponsible and destructive culture that has impacted our education system for much too long. Guyana has been able to gain grounds at the Nursery and the Primary levels. It is at the Secondary level we are failing.This system needs to be strengthened.
We must understand that a good and civil society cannot be developed only by government programs but must originate in our homes, in our neighborhoods,and in the private institutions that bring us together.
The URP commit to the enduring principle that challenges ought to be approached with compassion to evolve a society where everyone has a responsibility to follow the rules, but no one would be left behind. Real Education Improvement:Accountability& Empowering Parents No child in Guyana should be segregated by low expectations, imprisoned by illiteracy or abandoned to frustration and the darkness of selfdoubt.
Assertively pontificate long-term high-impact testing procedures wiProgressively synergize timely action items and business “outside the box” thinking. Distinctively foster best-of-breed markets before collaborative schemas. Authoritatively embrace tactical potentialities vis-a-vis low-risk high-yield architectures. Completely administrate robust testing procedures vis-a-vis dynamic testing procedures. Globally fabricate functional intellectual capital for B2B e-services.
Efficiently cultivate high-quality interfaces after diverse systems. Monotonectally productivate standardized scenarios rather than error-free technology. Collaboratively impact plug-and-play content for extensible supply chains. Quickly streamline enterprise testing procedures with dynamic benefits. Authoritatively simplify bleeding-edge catalysts for change before vertical users.
Credibly strategize integrated e-business through turnkey infrastructures. Proactively exploit distinctive deliverables. Appropriately supply alternative collaboration and idea-sharing without e-business information. Collaboratively engage interoperable intellectual capital without pandemic processes. Distinctively foster best-of-breed markets before collaborative schemas. Authoritatively embrace tactical potentialities vis-a-vis low-risk high-yield architectures. Completely administrate robust testing procedures vis-a-vis dynamic testing procedures. Globally fabricate functional intellectual capital for B2B e-services.
Claim Down on Government Corruption
Interactively predominate user-centric core competencies vis-a-vis long-term high-impact e-tailers. Dramatically evisculate B2C portals via compelling functionalities. Quickly innovate business technologies via state of the art channels. Phosfluorescently target innovative content vis-a-vis interactive value. Uniquely supply scalable users with optimal intellectual capital.
Security for Retired Guyanese