Soy + Guyana = Employment

     Soybean (Glycine max) also called soja bean or soya bean belongs to the legume (pea) family.  The soybean is frugally the most significant bean in the world.  It provides vegetable protein for millions of individuals and constituents for hundreds of chemical products.  Soybeans grow on a variation of soils and a wide array of climates.  They can grow in hot places like Brazil or snowy places in Japan (“What are Soybeans?”)  It is not clear where soybeans originated from but most botanists predicted it was first known in central China since it has been used there and in Japan and Koreas for thousands of years as a part of medicines.  It was presented in the United States in 1804 and countries like Brazil and Argentina are also major manufacturers.  The soybean is used in many parts of the world and is one of the richest and inexpensive sources of protein.  The seed have 17% oil and 50% of protein (“Soybean,” 2017).  There are many health benefits of soybeans.  It can help improve metabolism, healthy weight gain, heart healthy and can help against cancer.  It can also help with menopause, improve bone and intestinal health and much more (“13 Amazing benefits of Soybeans,” 2017).  The world’s biggest maker and exporter of soybeans is the United States and it signifies a substantial source of demand for U.S. manufacturers and make a huge net influence on the U.S. agricultural trade balance.  South America also produces soybean.  For example, countries like Argentina and Brazil have increased production quickly.  In fact, Brazil is just behind the United States in the production of soybeans (“Trade,” 2017).  The United Republican Party recognizes soybean as an opportunity to create jobs and to get Guyana out of poverty.  We need to invest in the crops and products that will give us results and help the country move forward successfully.


Soybean.  (2017).  Retrieved from

What are Soybeans?  (2017).  Retrieved from

13 Amazing Benefits of Soybeans.  (2017).  Retrieved from

Trade.  (2017).  Retrieved from