HEMP is one of the strongest and most durable natural soft fibers on earth and one of the oldest domesticated crop known to society.  It has been used for various things including paper, textiles, fuel, oils, medicine and much more.  Although HEMP and marijuana both come from the same cannabis species, HEMP IS NOT MARIJUANA! It cannot get you high because it contains less than 1% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).  HEMP can be grown as a renewable source for raw materials that can be integrated into thousands of products.  HEMP is called a “cash crop” because its seeds and flowers are very valuable (“What is Hemp,” 2017).  It can be grown in many different weather conditions and in different climates around the world.  HEMP is a three-month crop which means that it grows very quickly.  It HEMP has been used by many civilizations for over 12,000 years.  HEMP seeds are very nutritious and beneficial for people and animals.  The seed contains protein, carbohydrates, and inexplicable fiber.  The seeds can be can be made into milk, tea, baking or be eaten raw.  The seeds are used around the world in China, India, Canada, Russia, Germany, Poland, Spain, Egypt and in a few states in the U.S. (“Hemp Production Around the World,” 2016). HEMP seed is extremely nutritional and valuable.  HEMP can also offer two types of fuel called HEMP biodiesel that is made from the oil of the HEMP seed which are called HEMP ethanol/methanol which is make from the stalk.  HEMP has been used for many centuries.  It is used to greatly in the textile industry and in producing paper.  It is also used for making clothing by popular designers in different countries.  HEMP is used in numerous ways.  It can be used in building materials such as plastic, fiberboard, roofing tiles, insulation and even bricks.  HEMP oil can help you live a healthy life.  It comes from the seeds and it is beneficial for healthy hair, nails, and skin.  It can also help decrease swelling and irritation.  HEMP can also be beneficial for the body and the immune system (“What is Hemp,” 2017).   HEMP is a multimillion dollar addition to the GDP of the countries which it is planted.  In 2013, the HEMP Industries Association (HIA) estimated that the total retail value of HEMP products only in the United States was $581 million, this includes food and body products, clothing, building materials etc. (Hansen, 2015).  HEMP is a phenomenal crop.  The United Republican Party stands firmly behind HEMP.  The URP believes it is a way out of poverty.   HEMP will boost the Guyana’s economy! It will create employment, it will increase business for farmers and green consumers and it will bring substantial revenue to Guyana.  HEMP is a crop that is worth investing in!


What is HEMP. (2017, July 6). Retrieved from http://www.hemp.com/what-is-hemp/

Hemp production around the world. (2016, August 27). Retrieved from https://hempedification.wordpress.com/2016/08/27/hemp-production-around-the-world/

Hansen, R. (2015, July). Industrial Hemp.  Retrieved from http://www.agmrc.org/commodities-products/fiber/industrial-hemp/