The politicians in Guyana have mastered the art of scaring the citizenry of this country into submission and brutalizing them. This autocratic, devilish, political bullism began way back in the 80’s when the Rabbi Washington folks used to be hired (or did they volunteer), to abuse political and philosophical opponents of the Government. In those days, members of the political oppositions were traumatized, heckled, beaten, some might even say, killed.
Then there was a lull in the obnoxious behavior when Mr. Desmond Hoyt became the President. In fact, it was Mr. Hoyt who jailed the wicked, murderous, Rabbi for the atrocities done at the political behest of the then dead dictator.
Then the government changed and the PPP realized winsome the effects of brutality and scare tactics. And before long it was rebranded; PPP style. GRA became a tool; the police force got involved; the phantom squad was notoriety. All these were used by members of the ruling party to scare and brutalize those who dare speak out against the Guyana monarchy. Then we had the feces brigade – ask Freddi Kisson – and worst. Waddle, Shaw, Crum-Ewing, and many others, all dead, murdered. Everyone knows the intellectual authors but yet they remain free. Where is Desmond Hoyt when the country needs him?
We all heard the recorded threatening of the former PPP Attorney General. He spoke candidly and directly of having his henchmen walk into the Kaieteur News Paper and shoot and kill at will. He denied it was his voice but his own collogues, including Dr. Vidya Persaud, correctly identified him. She and others did not focus on his murderous threats. Rather, they took offence based on what he said about the female subject in his vile rant. Yet he was never sanctioned, reprimanded or justifiably fired.
As fate would have it, the very abusive former AG happened to be in court with the current alleged abusive AG, when some things were said. What was said was so offensive that a reputable Judge was made to vacate the seat in his court, without the formal adjourning of the case before him. We might never really know what was said that day. However, the former AG is claiming that a murderous threat was made against the Judge. If that is a lie (and you really can’t trust these politicians), then Mr. Nandlall must know that he is opening a can of worms.
What Mr. Naldalall has done, is peal back the old wounds of the brutal Burnham regime, where fear stalked the nation. If he is lying, then the former AG must know the kind of mental aversion that some would engender against the PNC, based on this claim. And if he is lying, then the current AG, Mr. Basil Williams, need indeed to sue Mr. Nandalall for a sizable amount.
However, if Mr. Nandalall is speaking the truth and AG Williams is lying, then what we have unfolding is a direct reflection of the former PNC days, when threats, abuses and victimization were the order of the day. Either way, the notion of fear is in the air and both sides of the political divide; the PPP and the PNC, have used it for so long that they must know that the Guyanese people can be controlled by fear.
The leadership of the United Republican Party (URP) take this opportunity to again point out the similarity of those two parties. Neither of them has clean hands in this regard. They have long repressed and victimized the hapless people of Guyana. And left to their own device, they will continue in this vein.
The URP is asking President Granger to show leadership and approach this matter with decisive deliberation. Either publically rebuke Mr. Nandalall for stirring up these long held negativities about the PNC. Or rebuke Mr. Williams for being so careless with his choice of words that a sitting Judge would be forced to vacate his seat and court. Either way, it is clear that the political fear mongering that Guyana has long been known for, is alive an