On Thursday, December 15, as an early Christmas present, the members of the United Republican Party (URP) followed through with a promise made earlier in the year, and presented the residents of Skull City dozens of portable, solar-powered lights. Skull City is a little known village situated on the West Bank of Demarara, just south-west of Wales. It is a depressed, forgotten village with scarcely any modern facilities. To access the village, the residents use the mud damns, makeshift bridges and dried canals. Around June this year Dr. Vishnu Bandhu and a team of URP members visited the village and after witnessing firsthand the deprived living conditions, made a promise to provide portable lights to every home in the village that needed a light. Those receiving the lights were understandable elated and thanked the URP for their care and concern. They residents were heard remarking that they are grateful for the lights as they will save money from not having to buy candles and kerosene oil. Some said that their children will be better able to study at nights. While other remarked that the lights will help their elderly folks to move around better when the place is dark. Dr. Bandu noted that the URP group in New York sponsored the donation of lights. He also told the folks that when the weather gets better, the URP would like to follow through with another promise to the village to dig a water-way and sure-up their access road, in an effort of making the lives of the Skull City residents more comfortable. In these pictures. Dr. Vishnu presents one of the many portable, solar-powered lights to a resident of Skull City. Some of the residents of Skull City, on the West Bank of Demurer, show off their new solar-powered lights.